Price Card(GST is applicalble only on storage charges )

List of items Storage Type Storage Charges(₹) Packing Consumables(₹)
15 x 4 ft work station Large 380 /- 600 /-
20 x 4 ft work station Extra_Large 420 /- 00 /-
Adults Cycle Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Air Compressor Large 800 /- 800 /-
Air fryer Small 60 /- 60 /-
Air Purifier Small 60 /- 60 /-
Alluminium Vessel Small 60 /- 60 /-
Amplifier Small 60 /- 60 /-
Aquarium - Big size Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Aquarium - Medium size Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Aquarium - small size Small 60 /- 60 /-
Aquarium stand Small 45 /- 45 /-
Arm Chair Medium 130 /- 130 /-
Arm Chair - Foldable Small 60 /- 60 /-
Arm Chair - UnFoldable Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Baby barricade Small 30 /- 60 /-
Baby comfort single seater Small 60 /- 60 /-
Baby cot Large 240 /- 240 /-
Baby cot+ matress Large 300 /- 300 /-
Baby Pram Medium 130 /- 130 /-
Baby Pram (Foldable) Small 60 /- 60 /-
Baby Walker Small 30 /- 60 /-
Backpacks Small 60 /- 60 /-
Badminton Small 0.50 /- 0.50 /-
Balcony Grill Large 1000 /- 1000 /-
Bamboo - Swing Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Bamboo centre table Small 60 /- 100 /-
Bamboo centre table with glass top Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Bamboo chair Small 60 /- 60 /-
Bamboo Dining Table Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Bamboo Sofa (3+1+1) Extra_Large 600 /- 600 /-
Banner Small 60 /- 60 /-
Bar cabinet Extra_Large 720 /- 720 /-
Bar chair Large 200 /- 200 /-
Bar Counter Extra_Large 600 /- 600 /-
Bar counter( with marble top) Large 1000 /- 1000 /-
Bar stool - small Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Bar table large 7 X 4 Extra_Large 1000 /- 1000 /-
Barbequee Stand Medium 300 /- 350 /-
Bath Tub Large Extra_Large 1600 /- 2000 /-
Bean bag Small 60 /- 60 /-
bean balls Small 15 /- 0 /-
Bed side table Small 60 /- 60 /-
Bench Large 200 /- 200 /-
Bench for exercise Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Big Size Almirah/Cupboard - 2 door Extra_Large 600 /- 600 /-
Big Size Almirah/Cupboard - 3 door Extra_Large 700 /- 700 /-
Big Size Almirah/Cupboard - 4 door Extra_Large 800 /- 800 /-
Big Size Almirah/Cupboard - 5 door Extra_Large 1000 /- 1400 /-
Big Size Almirah/Cupboard - 6 door Extra_Large 1200 /- 1800 /-
Big Size Wardrobe - Large Large 1000 /- 1000 /-
Big Swing Large 360 /- 360 /-
Big Work station(dismatable) Extra_Large 1000 /- 1500 /-
Bike (No ignition support) Extra_Large 720 /- 720 /-
Blackboard Small 60 /- 60 /-
Blanket Small 60 /- 60 /-
Body massager Large 750 /- 1000 /-
Bookshelf (1.5x3x6) Extra_Large 500 /- 500 /-
Bookshelf (1.5x3x6) - Big Size Extra_Large 480 /- 480 /-
Bookshelf (1.5x3x6) - Medium Large 360 /- 360 /-
Bookshelf 4 feet - small Medium 120 /- 120 /-
boxing bag Medium 200 /- 150 /-
Broom Small 0.00 /- 0.00 /-
Bubble cover Small 60 /- 00 /-
Bucket Small 15 /- 15 /-
Bunker bed Extra_Large 800 /- 800 /-
Cafeteria Chair Medium 80 /- 80 /-
Camera stand Small 60 /- 60 /-
Cane center table(Glass top) Medium 120 /- 180 /-
Cane Chair Small 50 /- 50 /-
Cane Chair - Big Medium 100 /- 100 /-
Cane Stand Medium 130 /- 130 /-
Cane Stand - Medium Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Cane Stand - Small Small 60 /- 60 /-
Cane vase - Big Small 60 /- 60 /-
Car cabinet Medium 240 /- 240 /-
Car- storage Extra_Large 9000 /- 0 /-
Carpet Small 60 /- 60 /-
Carpet Big Large 110 /- 70 /-
Carrom board small Small 60 /- 60 /-
Carton box - (21×15×15) Carton 90 /- 124 /-
Cash counter - big Medium 800 /- 800 /-
Cash counter- small Small 180 /- 180 /-
Cat Tree Medium 400 /- 400 /-
Centre Table Medium 100 /- 100 /-
Centre Table - Glass top Medium 120 /- 150 /-
Centre table Glass - Big Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Centre table Glass - small Small 60 /- 120 /-
Centre Table large - Marble Extra_Large 800 /- 1000 /-
Centre table with 2 chairs Medium 150 /- 150 /-
chandelier Extra_Large 800 /- 1000 /-
chandelier - Smaller Medium 120 /- 100 /-
Chandlers Large 300 /- 300 /-
Chest of drawers Large 380 /- 380 /-
Chest of drawers - Large Large 360 /- 360 /-
Chest of drawers - Medium Large 240 /- 240 /-
Chest of Drawers- Plastic Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Chimney Large 240 /- 240 /-
Christmas Tree Small 60 /- 50 /-
clay pot Small 60 /- 60 /-
Clock Small 60 /- 120 /-
Cloth stand (wooden) - big Medium 129 /- 120 /-
Cloths Stand Small 30 /- 30 /-
Coconut cutter Small 60 /- 60 /-
Coffe table with 4 chairs Large 250 /- 250 /-
Coffee machine (atlantis) Medium 120 /- 500 /-
Coffee Table Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Computer Table Large 240 /- 240 /-
Console Table Medium 280 /- 350 /-
Container 20ft × 8ft Large 14000 /- 14000 /-
Cooking range Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Cooler Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Cooler stand - Medium Small 60 /- 60 /-
Corner Table Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Couch Large 240 /- 240 /-
Couch 1 Seater Medium 140 /- 140 /-
Counter chair Medium 120 /- 120 /-
CPU Small 60 /- 60 /-
Cradle Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Crate Small 30 /- 30 /-
Crib Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Cricket bat Small 10 /- 10 /-
Cricket Kit Small 60 /- 60 /-
Crockery Showcase Extra_Large 800 /- 2000 /-
Crockery Unit Extra_Large 480 /- 480 /-
Crossfit trainer Extra_Large 600 /- 600 /-
CRT TV Small 60 /- 60 /-
Cupboard single door Large 240 /- 240 /-
Curio Large 1000 /- 1000 /-
Curtain rods Small 60 /- 60 /-
Curtain stand Small 60 /- 60 /-
Cylinders (Empty Gas Cylinders) Small 60 /- 00 /-
Deewan Large 360 /- 360 /-
Deewan (Box type) Extra_Large 480 /- 480 /-
Deewan (Box type) + Matress Extra_Large 600 /- 600 /-
Deewan + Matress Extra_Large 540 /- 540 /-
Dental chair and compressor Extra_Large 1000 /- 1000 /-
Designed Idel Small 90 /- 90 /-
Designer king size cot with mattress Extra_Large 1200 /- 1200 /-
Designer sofa 2 seater Extra_Large 700 /- 700 /-
Designer sofa 3 seater Extra_Large 1000 /- 1000 /-
Desktop Computer Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Dining Table Large 240 /- 240 /-
Dining Table + 2 chairs Large 300 /- 300 /-
Dining Table + 3 chairs Large 350 /- 300 /-
Dining Table + 4 chairs Extra_Large 420 /- 420 /-
Dining Table + 6 chairs Extra_Large 600 /- 600 /-
Dining table + 8 seater Extra_Large 800 /- 800 /-
Dining Table Chair Small 60 /- 60 /-
Dining table glass Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Dinner set Small 0.50 /- 0.50 /-
Dish washer Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Dishwasher stand Small 60 /- 60 /-
Document file Box Small 21 /- 75 /-
Dog cage - Large size Large 240 /- 300 /-
Dog crate - Dismantable Medium 300 /- 300 /-
Door Frames Medium 200 /- 200 /-
Dosa Burner Large 1200 /- 1400 /-
Drawing centre table Medium 100 /- 100 /-
Drawing table Medium 100 /- 100 /-
Dressing Table Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Dressing table - Big Extra_Large 500 /- 500 /-
Dressing Table with mirror Medium 180 /- 240 /-
Drum Cymbal Small 60 /- 60 /-
Drum stand Medium 100 /- 120 /-
Drums ( Musical instruments ) Large 360 /- 360 /-
Dryer Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Dryer machine - cloths Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Dryer machine(4x3x5.5ft) Extra_Large 800 /- 1000 /-
DSLR Camera Small 30 /- 30 /-
DTH Antenna Small 15 /- 15 /-
Dustbin Small 15 /- 15 /-
DVD player Small 60 /- 60 /-
DVR Medium 100 /- 100 /-
ECG Compressor Medium 200 /- 200 /-
Electric Rice cooker Small 30 /- 30 /-
Exercise cycle Large 300 /- 300 /-
Extruder machine Large 300 /- 300 /-
Fan Small 30 /- 30 /-
Fiber door Medium 280 /- 280 /-
Fire extinguisher - Big Large 300 /- 300 /-
Fire wall device Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Floor Lamp / Lamp stand Small 60 /- 60 /-
Floor pot stand - Large Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Flower Pots Small 15 /- 15 /-
flower was Small 60 /- 60 /-
Foldable chair Small 30 /- 30 /-
Foldable Cotton Matress - Double Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Foldable Cotton Matress - Single Small 60 /- 60 /-
Foldable Table Small 60 /- 60 /-
foldable table small Small 30 /- 30 /-
Food Processor Small 60 /- 60 /-
Foose ball table Medium 180 /- 200 /-
Foot Massager - small Small 60 /- 60 /-
Freezer Extra_Large 700 /- 800 /-
Fridge Stand Small 15 /- 15 /-
Fridge: 3 door Extra_Large 420 /- 420 /-
Fridge: Double door Large 360 /- 360 /-
Fridge: Side by side Extra_Large 840 /- 840 /-
Fridge: Single door Large 270 /- 270 /-
Futon Extra_Large 600 /- 600 /-
Garment steamer Medium 200 /- 200 /-
Gas Geyser - small Small 60 /- 60 /-
Gas Oven Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Gas Stove Small 30 /- 30 /-
Gas Stove - Big Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Geyser Small 60 /- 60 /-
Glass Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Glass almarah (5 x 5 ft) Extra_Large 600 /- 700 /-
Glass almarah 1 door (4x3 ft) Large 300 /- 400 /-
Glass board Small 60 /- 120 /-
Glass box Small 60 /- 60 /-
Glass Door Large 300 /- 300 /-
Glass mirror - Big 7 X 6 feet Extra_Large 800 /- 1500 /-
Glass Top - Sofa part Medium 120 /- 150 /-
Glass wall mounted Medium 320 /- 320 /-
God Statue - small Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Grass cutter Medium 100 /- 100 /-
Grass Cutting Machine Medium 1000 /- 1100 /-
Grinder Small 30 /- 30 /-
Grinder - Large Extra_Large 600 /- 1000 /-
Grinder - Medium Medium 350 /- 600 /-
Grinder stone Small 60 /- 60 /-
Guitar Small 60 /- 60 /-
Guitar stand Small 15 /- 15 /-
Gunny bag Large 200 /- 120 /-
Gym bench Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Gym equipment set - Big Large 1500 /- 1300 /-
gym rod Small 15 /- 15 /-
Gym Stand Medium 300 /- 300 /-
Gym stand - small Small 60 /- 60 /-
Gym Weight Plate Small 60 /- 60 /-
Gym Weights / Dumbbells - 1 Small 50 /- 50 /-
Gym Weights / Dumbbells - small Small 30 /- 30 /-
Handicap wheel chair =foldable Small 30 /- 30 /-
Handwash basin Medium 180 /- 300 /-
Harmonium Small 60 /- 60 /-
Helmet Small 0.50 /- 60 /-
High chair for adult Medium 120 /- 120 /-
High chair for kid Small 60 /- 60 /-
Home Theatre Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Humidifier Small 60 /- 60 /-
Hydra Facial Machine Medium 350 /- 350 /-
Hydralic power pack Large 250 /- 250 /-
Hydralic press machine Large 300 /- 300 /-
Idly Maker - Medium Medium 180 /- 200 /-
Induction Stove Small 15 /- 15 /-
Inverter stand Small 15 /- 15 /-
Inverter/UPS with battery Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Iron Almarah (1.5x3x6ft) Extra_Large 500 /- 500 /-
Iron book shelf Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Iron box Small 15 /- 15 /-
Iron bucket Small 15 /- 15 /-
Iron Chair Small 30 /- 30 /-
Iron cutter machine Large 250 /- 250 /-
Iron Locker Large 1200 /- 1200 /-
Iron pipe - ( Gas connection ) Small 60 /- 60 /-
Iron rack Large 200 /- 200 /-
Iron Rod - Small Small 50 /- 45 /-
Iron Sofa - 1 seater Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Iron Sofa - 3 seater Large 360 /- 360 /-
Iron stand Small 60 /- 60 /-
Iron TV Table Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Iron/Metal Cot Large 240 /- 240 /-
Ironing stand (Foldable) Small 30 /- 30 /-
Julla - Iron Large 400 /- 400 /-
Kettle balll gym item Medium 60 /- 60 /-
Keyboard ( Computer part ) Small 60 /- 60 /-
Keyboard (Musical instrument) Medium 100 /- 100 /-
Keyboard (Musical instrument) Small Small 30 /- 30 /-
Keyboard stand (musical) Small 60 /- 60 /-
Kids bath tub - Plastic Small 30 /- 60 /-
Kids bike/car/Jeep Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Kids chair Small 15 /- 15 /-
Kids Cycle Small 60 /- 60 /-
Kids jhula Small 60 /- 60 /-
Kids mattress Small 30 /- 30 /-
Kids slide Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Kids study table Small 60 /- 90 /-
Kids toy Small 30 /- 60 /-
King Size Double Cot (Non-Storage) Extra_Large 480 /- 480 /-
King Size Double Cot (Non-Storage) + Matress Extra_Large 600 /- 600 /-
King Size Double Cot (With Storage) Extra_Large 960 /- 960 /-
King Size Double Cot (With Storage) + Mattress Extra_Large 1080 /- 1080 /-
King Size Double Matress Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Kitchen cabinet (1.5x3x6 ft) Extra_Large 480 /- 480 /-
Kitchen Rack Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Kitchen shatters Small 120 /- 120 /-
Kitchen Stand Small 60 /- 60 /-
Kitchen tub / basket Small 60 /- 60 /-
l shape work station Large 240 /- 1000 /-
Ladder Small 60 /- 60 /-
Lamp shade Medium 120 /- 200 /-
Laptop Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Laptop stand Small 30 /- 30 /-
Laundry basket Small 30 /- 60 /-
LCD display board Large 600 /- 1000 /-
Leather Sofa - 1 seater Large 360 /- 360 /-
Leather Sofa - 2 seater Extra_Large 480 /- 480 /-
Leather Sofa - 3 seater Extra_Large 600 /- 600 /-
Light - small Small 20 /- 20 /-
Lounge Chair Medium 300 /- 300 /-
Luggage Bag - large Small 60 /- 60 /-
Luggage bag - medium Small 45 /- 45 /-
Luggage Bag - small Small 30 /- 30 /-
Mannequin Large 400 /- 400 /-
Marble piece small Medium 120 /- 180 /-
marble piece - large Large 1000 /- 1000 /-
Massage Cot Large 400 /- 400 /-
Mat Small 60 /- 60 /-
Maternity Mattress Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Medium Size Almarah - 2 door(1.5x3x4ft) Large 250 /- 250 /-
Medium Size Almarah/cupboard/kitchen unit - 2 door(1.5x3x4ft) Large 240 /- 240 /-
Medium Size Almirah - 3 door(1.5x4.5x4ft) Extra_Large 480 /- 480 /-
Medium Size Almirah//cupboard/kitchen unit - 3 door(1.5x4.5x4ft) Extra_Large 480 /- 480 /-
Metal chair with writing pad Medium 120 /- 120 /-
metal pot Small 60 /- 60 /-
Microphone stand Small 15 /- 15 /-
Microwave oven Small 60 /- 60 /-
Microwoven - Medium Medium 120 /- 100 /-
Mini Fridge Small 60 /- 60 /-
Mirror Small 60 /- 60 /-
Mirror ( Small ) Small 30 /- 30 /-
Mirror large Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Mixer/Juicer Small 30 /- 30 /-
Monitor Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Mop Box Small 0.25 /- 60 /-
Mop Stick Small 15 /- 15 /-
Mosquito net Small 15 /- 15 /-
Mridangam Medium 300 /- 300 /-
Music System Small 60 /- 60 /-
Name board - 15feet vertical ( Cannot be dismantled) Small 350 /- 120 /-
Office Chair Medium 120 /- 120 /-
office chair - Small part Small 60 /- 60 /-
Office Table large Large 360 /- 360 /-
Office Table medium Large 240 /- 240 /-
Oil Heater Medium 280 /- 300 /-
OTG Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Ottoman Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Oven - Big Large 400 /- 800 /-
Oxygen Concentrator ( D ‎ 58 x 38 x 24 cm; 16.74 Kilograms ) Medium 140 /- 100 /-
Painting - Large Large 180 /- 180 /-
Painting - Medium Medium 100 /- 90 /-
Painting - small Small 50 /- 50 /-
Painting Board Small 60 /- 120 /-
Painting stand Small 60 /- 60 /-
Paper Shredder (small) Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Pedestal fan Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Personal box - large Small 60 /- 60 /-
Personal box - larger Medium 100 /- 100 /-
Personal Box - small Small 30 /- 30 /-
Personal medium box Small 40 /- 40 /-
Photo frame Small 15 /- 15 /-
Photo frame large Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Photo frame - medium Small 45 /- 45 /-
Piano Extra_Large 960 /- 960 /-
piano - kids small Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Piano stand Large 200 /- 200 /-
Piano with stand Extra_Large 1000 /- 1000 /-
Pillow Small 15 /- 15 /-
Plastic 2 Seater Sofa Medium 300 /- 350 /-
Plastic Basket Small 60 /- 60 /-
Plastic box Small 60 /- 60 /-
Plastic buckets/Chair/Tubs Small 15 /- 15 /-
Plastic centre table Small 60 /- 60 /-
Plastic Chair Small 15 /- 15 /-
Plastic container - small Small 15 /- 15 /-
Plastic container - medium Small 60 /- 60 /-
Plastic cupboard Large 240 /- 240 /-
Plastic cupboard - Small Small 60 /- 60 /-
Plastic Dining table with chairs Medium 180 /- 200 /-
plastic drum small Small 15 /- 15 /-
Plastic table Small 60 /- 60 /-
Play Station Medium 180 /- 150 /-
Plywood piece Small 45 /- 30 /-
Pooja lamp Small 60 /- 120 /-
Pooja mandir Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Pooja Mandir - Door Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Pooja Mandir - Large Large 240 /- 250 /-
Pooja Stand Small 60 /- 60 /-
Pooja Temple Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Pooja Temple- big Extra_Large 500 /- 500 /-
Pottery Wheel Medium 400 /- 600 /-
Printer Small 60 /- 60 /-
Projector Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Projector screen Small 60 /- 60 /-
Proofer Machine Large 1000 /- 750 /-
Punching bag Small 60 /- 60 /-
Queen Size Cot (Non-Storage) Extra_Large 420 /- 420 /-
Queen Size Double Cot (Non-Storage) + Matress Extra_Large 540 /- 540 /-
Queen Size Double Cot (With Storage) Extra_Large 840 /- 840 /-
Queen Size Double Cot (With Storage) + Matress Extra_Large 960 /- 960 /-
Queen Size Mattress Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Quilt Small 60 /- 60 /-
Reception table large Extra_Large 1200 /- 1200 /-
Recliner - 1 Seater Large 360 /- 360 /-
Recliner - 2 Seater Extra_Large 540 /- 540 /-
Recliner - 3 Seater Extra_Large 720 /- 720 /-
Rexin sofa 1 seater Large 240 /- 250 /-
Rexin sofa 2 seater Large 400 /- 400 /-
Rexin sofa 3 seater Extra_Large 480 /- 480 /-
Rice container Small 15 /- 15 /-
Rice cooker Small 30 /- 30 /-
Rocking chair Large 240 /- 240 /-
Room Heater Small 60 /- 60 /-
Round chair Small 45 /- 45 /-
Round table Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Safe Locker Extra_Large 1200 /- 1200 /-
safe Locker - Small Extra_Large 500 /- 500 /-
Saloon - Chair Leather Large 800 /- 1200 /-
saloon - Steamer with stand Medium 120 /- 180 /-
Saloon chair with head rest Large 1500 /- 1500 /-
saloon leather stool Medium 120 /- 300 /-
Saloon pedicure tub Medium 120 /- 500 /-
Scooty (No ignition support) Extra_Large 720 /- 720 /-
Segway Large 1000 /- 1000 /-
Server - 6feet Extra_Large 800 /- 1000 /-
Server - small Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Server rack /stand Extra_Large 600 /- 600 /-
Sewing machine Small 60 /- 60 /-
Sewing machine with stand Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Shoe cabinet Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Shoe rack - Plastic Small 60 /- 60 /-
Shoe Stand - Iron Small 60 /- 60 /-
Shoerack - Bamboo Small 60 /- 60 /-
Show piece Small 15 /- 15 /-
Show piece -Big Clock Medium 240 /- 200 /-
Shower rod Small 60 /- 60 /-
Side Stands Medium 250 /- 250 /-
Single Cot Large 240 /- 240 /-
Single Cot + Matress Large 360 /- 360 /-
Single Matress Small 60 /- 60 /-
Single sofa - King size Large 300 /- 300 /-
Sliding Cupboard Large 800 /- 800 /-
Small Almirah - 2 door (1.5x3x4ft) Large 380 /- 380 /-
Small Almirah/cupboard/kitchen unit - 2 door (1.5x3x4ft) Large 240 /- 240 /-
Small cylinder Small 15 /- 0 /-
Small gas stove with burner Small 60 /- 60 /-
Small Table Medium 130 /- 130 /-
snooker table Large 1200 /- 1600 /-
Sofa - Cane - 1 seater Small 60 /- 60 /-
Sofa - Cane - 2 seater Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Sofa - Cane - 3 seater Large 360 /- 360 /-
Sofa - L Shape Extra_Large 960 /- 960 /-
Sofa 1 seater Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Sofa 2 seater Large 300 /- 300 /-
Sofa 3 Seater Large 360 /- 360 /-
Sofa 4 seater Extra_Large 700 /- 800 /-
Sofa cum bed Extra_Large 480 /- 480 /-
Sofa cushion Small 60 /- 60 /-
Sofa large 5 seater Extra_Large 1000 /- 1000 /-
Sofa puff -small Small 60 /- 60 /-
Solar Panel - Large (3X6) Large 400 /- 500 /-
Solar Stand Small 60 /- 60 /-
Solar Tank Large 800 /- 600 /-
Soundbar Small 60 /- 60 /-
Speaker stand Small 45 /- 45 /-
Speakers Small 60 /- 60 /-
Speakers -Large Large 240 /- 300 /-
Split AC Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Sports Bike (No ignition support) Extra_Large 960 /- 960 /-
Squat rack Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Stabilizer Small 15 /- 15 /-
Stainless steel table Large 240 /- 200 /-
Stand Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Steel Almirah - 1.5x3x6ft Extra_Large 600 /- 600 /-
Steel Container Small 30 /- 30 /-
Steel Drum Medium 90 /- 90 /-
Steel pot Small 60 /- 60 /-
Steel trunk - large Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Steel Trunk Larger Medium 230 /- 230 /-
Stone - Medium Small 15 /- 15 /-
Stool Small 30 /- 30 /-
Stool - small Small 15 /- 15 /-
Study chair with pad - (Office use ) Small 90 /- 90 /-
Study table - Big Large 360 /- 400 /-
Study Table (Dismantable) Small 60 /- 60 /-
Study Table / Wooden table Medium 240 /- 240 /-
Suitcase - large Small 60 /- 60 /-
Suitcase Medium Small 40 /- 40 /-
Suitcase- small Small 30 /- 30 /-
Swing Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Swing chair Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Table fan Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Table saw Machine Medium 1000 /- 400 /-
Tandoori machine Medium 180 /- 250 /-
Teddy Bear Small 77 /- 77 /-
Telescope Small 45 /- 45 /-
Tent house Small 60 /- 60 /-
Tepoy Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Tepoy - Plastic Small 60 /- 60 /-
Thermacoal Small 30 /- 30 /-
Toaster Small 60 /- 60 /-
Trampoline - Large Large 200 /- 240 /-
Trampoline - small Small 100 /- 120 /-
Treadmill Large 240 /- 240 /-
Tristand Small 60 /- 60 /-
Trolley bag - medium Small 45 /- 45 /-
Trolley bag - small Small 30 /- 30 /-
Trolley Bags - large Small 60 /- 60 /-
Trunk Small 60 /- 60 /-
Try cycle Small 90 /- 90 /-
TV ( Above 80 inches ) Extra_Large 600 /- 300 /-
TV (Above 50 inches) Medium 180 /- 180 /-
TV (Below 50 inches) Medium 120 /- 120 /-
TV Cabinet Large 360 /- 360 /-
TV stand ( small Small 60 /- 60 /-
TV stand (wall mounted) Small 15 /- 15 /-
TV Unit - Large Extra_Large 450 /- 450 /-
TV Unit - Small Large 300 /- 300 /-
Umbrella Small 15 /- 0 /-
UPS Small 30 /- 30 /-
UPs rack Small 60 /- 100 /-
Vaccum sealing Large 250 /- 250 /-
Vaccuum cleaner Small 30 /- 30 /-
Vaccuum cleaner stand Small 30 /- 30 /-
Veena Large 240 /- 240 /-
Vending Machine Large 800 /- 800 /-
Violin Small 60 /- 100 /-
VR Machine Extra_Large 6500 /- 6500 /-
walking stick Small 30 /- 30 /-
Wall cabinet - small Small 60 /- 90 /-
Wall divider Large 300 /- 300 /-
wall hanger Small 50 /- 50 /-
Wall Shelves-medium Small 60 /- 60 /-
Washing Machine Large 180 /- 180 /-
Washing machine stand Small 15 /- 15 /-
Water can Small 15 /- 15 /-
water can stand Small 60 /- 60 /-
water cooler - office use Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Water dispenser - small Small 15 /- 15 /-
Water Drum - Large Large 180 /- 200 /-
Water Drum - Medium Medium 120 /- 160 /-
Water Drum - small Small 80 /- 100 /-
Water filter can Small 60 /- 60 /-
Water motor Medium 690 /- 690 /-
Water purifier Small 60 /- 60 /-
Weighing Machine Medium 300 /- 200 /-
White board - Big Large 400 /- 400 /-
White board stand Small 30 /- 45 /-
Whiteboard Small 60 /- 60 /-
Window AC Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Window Grill Small 250 /- 250 /-
window sliding glass-small Small 60 /- 90 /-
wiper Small 0.50 /- 0.50 /-
Wooden Almera - Small Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Wooden Almirah 6ft Extra_Large 690 /- 690 /-
Wooden art - Big Medium 300 /- 600 /-
Wooden board - Large Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Wooden box - Medium Small 60 /- 60 /-
Wooden box 3 x 4 ft Small 90 /- 90 /-
Wooden cabinet Large Large 300 /- 300 /-
Wooden cabinet Medium Medium 240 /- 240 /-
Wooden chair Small 60 /- 60 /-
Wooden chair 2 seater Medium 160 /- 160 /-
Wooden cupboard- smalll 3 ft Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Wooden dining table 8 sear with 4 bench Extra_Large 1500 /- 2000 /-
Wooden doors 3 X 6 Large 400 /- 600 /-
Wooden Jula - big Extra_Large 1000 /- 1000 /-
Wooden pallet ( 3.5 X 4 ) Extra_Large 1000 /- 0 /-
Wooden Pallet Small Small 400 /- 300 /-
Wooden Part Medium 100 /- 100 /-
wooden part small Small 60 /- 60 /-
wooden partition Medium 829 /- 900 /-
Wooden planks - Medium Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Wooden rack Medium 180 /- 200 /-
Wooden Shelf Extra_Large 500 /- 500 /-
Wooden shelf - Medium Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Wooden Shoe Rack Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Wooden showcase Extra_Large 450 /- 450 /-
Wooden sofa - 2 seater Large 200 /- 200 /-
Wooden Sofa (3+1+1) Extra_Large 720 /- 720 /-
Wooden Sofa 1 seater Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Wooden Sofa 3 seater Large 360 /- 360 /-
wooden stand - Designer Medium 120 /- 150 /-
Wooden stool - cousin Small 60 /- 60 /-
wooden table meedium Medium 180 /- 200 /-
Wooden table - large Extra_Large 600 /- 800 /-
Wooden table (standing table ) Small 90 /- 90 /-
Wooden table legs - small Medium 120 /- 120 /-
Wooden trunk (3x3x4) Medium 500 /- 500 /-
Wooden trunk Large 250 /- 250 /-
Wooden trunk (4x3x2) Large 400 /- 400 /-
Wooden trunk large (4x4x6) Extra_Large 850 /- 850 /-
Wooden TV Showcase Large 1000 /- 1000 /-
Wooden TV Table Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Workstation Medium 180 /- 180 /-
Workstation glass Small 60 /- 120 /-